A few months ago I did a post about my favorite Instagram accounts and now I am back with some more! I love getting inspiration from Instagram; it's like a digital photo album that never ends. I have so many favorites that I will probably have a part 10 of this but I will try to keep this one fairly short. You can follow me on Instagram by clicking the icon on the right! Also, if you missed part 1 you can click here!

I really like her style and she is definitely a friend in my head. How cool are these platform sandals?! Definitely go check her Instagram out as well as her You Tube.

I originally found this Istagrammer on You Tube and loved her videos. She is another friend in my head because she seems super chill and real. Her photos also make me a baby bit jealous because they look super professional.

I love a good food picture on Instagram because let's be honest who doesn't love food! This Istagrammer not only has the most appetizing food adventures, but also has the most on-point style. Can we be friends?

First let me say I am obsessed with British accents, I actually feel a lot of people I follow on You Tube are British because it's so fascinating and cool! I am not sure if this gal is British, but her accent reminds me of one. Her style is very chic and makes me want to dress up everyday. She also has a You Tube channel, which I also like because then I can see where her killer style is from. This account gets an A+ in my book.

I love good outfit-of -the-day photographs, which is why I like this account. Insta has become very popular for people to showcase their style and this account gives some good inspiration. It is so cheery and bright you can't help but smile.

I seriously wish she would stow me away in her suitcase and take me on her travels. I love her feed because it's great to see the world, for those of us who can't travel. Furthermore, her style always comes off as super easy and has the thrown-together-effortlessly vibe. If anybody ever needs a travel buddy, you know who to come to (me!!!!).

I think if I could choose to try out different adventures taken by other people, this gal would definitely be one of them. Her style is on point, her adventures are to live for, and her palette seems impeccable; definite friend in my head.
Until Next Time.....
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