Wednesday, September 18, 2013

"Flipping The Pages"

When your not running from fashion show, to fashion show, work, shopping, or trying to find something to wear and have some down time pick up a book! I thinking reading is a great pass time and it often makes you think and change your perspective on situatuions in life. So here are the books that I reccomend to you this week!

Currently Reading

It's a memoir of the mom who lost her three girls in the Tatonic highway accident. I haven't even finished and I would reccomend it. It's so touching and real, definitely add this to a must read.

Want to Read
Many know Lauren Conrad from the Hills, and if you liked that show you will probably like this book.
Also if your in to girly and fashion type books it would be a great read for you. I have already read the other in the series and I really like it so I am excited to read this one.

What I have read
I have a hard time explaining this book, but I love books that have you thinking about days, even weeks, after it's over. It seems confusing and weird but it really makes you think and wonder and thats always good if a book can do that. (If you read this and like it try The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake it's a fantastic read).
(Pictures Linked)
"There are worse crimes than burning books.One of them is not reading them"
-Ray Bradbury

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